
Curriculum Guide

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Languages: French or Italian

Year 9

Students undertake a full year of study, building upon the foundation skills of spoken, written and creative language developed during Years 7 and 8. Students engage with several text types including plays, songs, poems, stories and conversations. Students also focus on the cultural aspects of either Italian or French society. Studies in this area include fashion, health and nutrition, home, family and festivals. This may involve some excursions or in-school activity work with a small fee associated with the task.

Year 7 French

1 of 12

Year 7 Italian

2 of 12

Year 8 French

3 of 12

Year 8 Italian

4 of 12

Year 9 French

5 of 12

Year 9 Italian

6 of 12

Year 10 French

7 of 12

Year 10 Italian

8 of 12

Stage 1 French (Continuers)

9 of 12

Stage 1 Italian (Continuers)

10 of 12
Stage 2 French (Continuers) 11 of 12

Stage 2 Italian (Continuers)

12 of 12